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Website Design using WIX

You will be creating a WIX webpage portfolio all about your and your work! You will be required to make a prtfoio site with working links to your design, photo and illustration work, as well as a resume.

This site will be made in class with help from us - so ask if you hit any snags!! Before the end of group project, you will be making a site for your restraurant/VIM group independtly!

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Start by creating a wix login - go to, use your real email, this will be a real site for you to keep and maintain!  The nice thing about Wix is you do not have to pay anything, this website is FREE! 

You have the choice between starting with a template or having Wix help you design one from scratch. You may do either; if you chose a template you have the ability to make any changes you would like and make it your own!

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Before starting your website, I would recommend checking out other portfolio page sites like these:

Or google and find some your really like and are inspired by! Look at the overall layout, colors, flow, organization of work!

I personally started with the following site and edited it to show you for this assignment!

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Site menu -


This is where you can edit pages, change their name/label, remove pages that the template starts with. It starts with whatever the template has defaulted to have.

This will be how you add the pages you need.

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Add + - Image -


This is where you can add your own images! You are required to have 3-5 images for each photo, design and illustration, but you may have more if you choose!

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Your site should be more organized and more completed than mine is on the right, this was a quick sample I made for you!

While making your site, explore all the options you have with your gallery layouts, font and color choices. Everything should be consistent! If we see inconsistencies with fonts, galleries colors, etc, this will not get you a good score!!

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So once you have selected a site template, you will update the information, photos, links, etc to be your own! If you choose a blank template you have to add everything on your own using the menus on the left, adding pages, text boxes, galleries, images, etc. 


For your site, you will be required to have the following items/pages, as always you may go above and beyond the requirements and add more!

On your site you must include the following pages:

  • A home page - with a LOGO for yourself!

    • This can show some of your work, have an about me section, talk about COA class, introduce people to your website, talk about your work, this is up to you and very open ended.

    • 3 working links that highlight your work in COA

    • Design

      • where you will leave space for your design work, i.e. magazine ads, poster design, invitations, etc.

    • Photography

      • this is where you will show your photography in studio and for homework.

      • you may create a link for studio and a separate one for homework - that is up to you.

    • Illustration

      • where you will show your sketchbook and drafting table projects, ABC page, joke book, etc.

      • you may have a separate link for homework sketchbooks and projects done in class - that is up to you.

    • A page for your Resume

    • this may also include and be on an 'about me' page.

      • if you do not have a resume yet - you make leave this page blank for now!

We know using Wix is not easy, but all we are asking is that you try!! Have fun, make the site your own, have it show your personality and your preferences on font and colors! It should be a reflection of you.

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When you are done editing your site and ready, hit publish up in the top right corner!  Every time you edit your site, you need to hit publish so any changes you've made go live.

Once published, you can send us your URL - find it one of two ways:

1 - Go to the site menu, click on your home page, click on the 3 dots, then click SEO(GOOGLE), go to URL and then copy that!

2 - Go back to the Wix home page, click on site actions and hit view live site. Now copy that URL!

Once you have copied your URL, head to Teams and paste it into the word document we left for you!


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Publishing your site
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