2 Color Poster Project
Project Sheet PDF
#503 Demonstrate basic use of page layout software - InDesign
Utilizing Cornell Notes with class lecture & demonstration of Adobe InDesign, the student will first create 2 abstract designs showing their use of each tool reviewed. Next the student will reproduce the fundraiser poster provided to them with concern for accuracy in both typography & measurement. Lastly the student will creatively design their own SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job to include all of the content provided, all to the criteria detailed in the PDF.
Key Points & MAX Strategy:
Utilizing "Cornell Notes" as a comprehension strategy, we will use Class Lecture, demo, & hands on activities for SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job
Selection Tool
Direct Select Tool
Type Tool & Text on a Path
Line Tool
Pencil Tool
Pen Tool
Rectangle, Elipse Frame & Polygon Frame Tool
Rectangle, Elipse & Polygon Shape Tool
Color Palette
Character Palette
Stroke Palette

~ 1st Yrs Group Project ~
Introduction to Group Projects - Restaurant Campaign
Students will work in teams of two to creatively design the promotional campaign of a new fictitious restaurant. All pieces will be designed with documentation of design time as well as estimated printing time & costs. This will be evaluated as detailed in the evaluation below.
We will start by each of you meeting your partners & learning about your new fictitious restaurant. In the next few weeks you will each be planning & designing a full advertising campaign for your client... everything from logos to menus & specialty advertisements.
605 - Design a logo (color & b/w)
608.1 - Design a business card
608.3 - Design 1-color promotional (newspaper ad. &/or flyer)
608.5 - Design appropriate promotional signage (directional or billboard)
608.6 - Design specialty advertising (encourage repeat business)
608.8 - Design a menu
512 - Design & create a website
608.10 - Design & implement an Advertising Campaign
902 & 920 - Prepare & present a presentation/competency(s)
Each one of you will be given the some choice as to who you would like to work with. Keep in mind there are several steps to this project & quite a bit of work to accomplish. Thank about your possible choice of partners wisely, they will share your successes as well as any failures.
Remember once your team has been announced, you will ALL need to focus on accountability, responsibility, delegating & sharing work to be done & watch your lateness & attendance issues. There will be several “evaluation checks” as we move through the project, be sure to consistently brief your partner on what each other are working on. Practice good communication skills. Work through thumbnails & roughs together. Creativity will be scored base on the creative process - thumbnails, roughs & comps.
Supplies & Equipment:
• Appropriate Paper(s) • Any Medias for Illustrations • Reference Materials • BW &/or Color Photos
• InDesign (for Layouts) • Illustrator (for Vectors) • Photoshop (for Editing Photos or III.)
Key Points:
• Accountability & Responsibility • Communication • Delegating & Sharing Work Load
Creativity 50 points
Accuracy 20 points
Technique 20 points
Neatness 10 points
100 pts
Business Card
Creativity 10 points
Accuracy 5 points
Technique 3 points
Neatness 2 points
20 x 5 = 100 pts
1-Color Adv/Flyer
Creativity 20 points
Accuracy 15 points
Technique 10 points
Neatness 5 points
50 x 2 = 100 pts
Campaign - Composite score of All Competencies, minus any penalties for missed deadlines.
*Bonus Points can be awarded to any team that goes above & beyond the scope of the project.
All work, including the bonus must be documented with time & approximate costs.
Logo Design - _________ 100 points
Business Card - _________ 100 points
1C Adv/Flyer - _________ 100 points
Outdoor Signage - _________ 100 points
Menu - _________ 100 points
Specialty Adv - _________ 100 points
Web Design - _________ 100 points
Oral Presentation - _________ 100 points
*Optional Bonus - _________ + points
- _________ /800 points
*Optional Bonus
Points will be awarded to any team that goes above & beyond the scope of the project. All work, including the bonus must be documented ~ with time & approximate costs.
Creativity 50 points
Accuracy 20 points
Technique 20 points
Neatness 10 points
100 pts
Creativity 10 points
Accuracy 5 points
Technique 3 points
Neatness 2 points
20 points x 5 = 100 pts
Specialty Advertising
Creativity 50 points
Accuracy 20 points
Technique 20 points
Neatness 10 points
100 pts