2 Color Poster Project
Project Sheet PDF
#503 Demonstrate basic use of page layout software - InDesign
Utilizing Cornell Notes with class lecture & demonstration of Adobe InDesign, the student will first create 2 abstract designs showing their use of each tool reviewed. Next the student will reproduce the fundraiser poster provided to them with concern for accuracy in both typography & measurement. Lastly the student will creatively design their own SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job to include all of the content provided, all to the criteria detailed in the PDF.
Key Points & MAX Strategy:
Utilizing "Cornell Notes" as a comprehension strategy, we will use Class Lecture, demo, & hands on activities for SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job
Selection Tool
Direct Select Tool
Type Tool & Text on a Path
Line Tool
Pencil Tool
Pen Tool
Rectangle, Elipse Frame & Polygon Frame Tool
Rectangle, Elipse & Polygon Shape Tool
Color Palette
Character Palette
Stroke Palette
The Art of Business Cards
This section introduces the elementary vocabulary that is essential in designing with color. Many students don't realize there are many THEORIES of Color that we utilize in the visual communication field. Color Theories change based on how an illustration, photograph, or design will be seen, printed or even where & how often. Without a solid foundation of Basic Color Theory, you will not be strong at utilizing the next theories.
Vocabulary for Business Cards & their Production
Card Sizes
What is to be Included/Necessary
Specialty Cards
2 sided
Project Sheet PDF
#605 - Design a logo (color & b/w)
#608.1 - Design a business card
Utilizing Cornell Notes with class lecture & Adobe InDesign, the student will create business card
designs all with the target audience of their given restaurant in mind. Each student will demonstrate
an understanding for the importance of the business card as well as show concern for accuracy in
both typography & measurement as well as color choices & basics of production.
Key Points & MAX Strategy:
Utilizing "Cornell Notes" as a comprehension strategy, we will use Class Lecture, demo, & hands on
activities for SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job
Card Sizes
What is to be Included/Necessary
Specialty Cards
2 sided