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5th Rotation Theme - Feet

Think outside the box and really push your creativity while photographing for the theme feet/foot.


Do not photograph your subject with shoes on, but in socks are fine.

Sketchbook must be done from observation.

Kick off your shoes, socks & put your feet up!  Or ask a family or friend to model their feet for you, just remember that dramatic lighting!  You will be doing these studies in Charcoal - you can pick vine, compressed or the charcoal pencils.  And remember to take photos from your point of view to upload so we can score for EACH!


As discussed in class, be sure for this Progress Check you have included your SIX studies of FEET. These can be all done on one or two sketchbook pages.  Remember your feet studies must include:

  1. TWO Contour Line Drawings (trace the shape with your eyes - primarily the outer/simplest edges)

  2. TWO Sketches (use a searching line as we did with the observation still life)

  3. TWO Value Drawings (that include shadows from dark, midtones & highlights)


Please be sure to photograph your Progress of you Sketchbook Feet theme well...

  • Good lighting - preferably natural lighting

  • NO keystoning 

  • Clear crisp pictures - NO blurry out of focus photos

PLEASE don't forget to UPLOAD your REFERENCE images too or no points can be given.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Look at the things 'differently' - try a new point of view, get down low or stand above & over your subject

  • Think beyond the obvious & and be creative

  • Always be thoughtful of your composition - PLAN your space! Remember you MUST utilize MARGINS in your sketchbook

  • Photos and sketches can NOT be manipulated on the computer - capture creativity in what you see in front of you

Feet C Choates.jpg
feet C Buehler.jpg
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