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3rd Rotation Homework Theme -Toy

Everyone has and loves toys!  Stuffed animals, action figures, Hot Wheels cars, video game controllers, and more - there are so many toys you can find just around your house!  Make sure you are pushing that creativity though, don't just photograph the controller on the coffee table or the stuffed animal sitting on the bed, get those toys out of their elements!  Think not only about location, but lighting as well.


You may NOT photograph or sketch someone else's artwork though, so please do not just photograph the cover of a video game.

No matter if you are looking for the perfect reference for your sketchbook or for that perfect shot with the camera, keep the following in mind:

  • Try a new point of view, get down low or stand above & over your subject

  • Think beyond the obvious & and be creative

  • Always be thoughtful of your composition - PLAN your space! Remember you MUST utilize MARGINS in your sketchbook

  • Photos and sketches can NOT be manipulated on the computer - capture creativity in what you see

These photos and sketchbooks will be used for something beyond just critique, so make sure you do well on this homework rotation!!!

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