2 Color Poster Project
Project Sheet PDF
#503 Demonstrate basic use of page layout software - InDesign
Utilizing Cornell Notes with class lecture & demonstration of Adobe InDesign, the student will first create 2 abstract designs showing their use of each tool reviewed. Next the student will reproduce the fundraiser poster provided to them with concern for accuracy in both typography & measurement. Lastly the student will creatively design their own SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job to include all of the content provided, all to the criteria detailed in the PDF.
Key Points & MAX Strategy:
Utilizing "Cornell Notes" as a comprehension strategy, we will use Class Lecture, demo, & hands on activities for SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job
Selection Tool
Direct Select Tool
Type Tool & Text on a Path
Line Tool
Pencil Tool
Pen Tool
Rectangle, Elipse Frame & Polygon Frame Tool
Rectangle, Elipse & Polygon Shape Tool
Color Palette
Character Palette
Stroke Palette
Fill the Frame

9th Rotation Homework Theme -Fill the Frame
Filling The Frame simply means to fill your photograph with more of the subject. So instead of having negative space, this means you need to get close to your subject. Really close.... Here, the frame refers to the edges of your photograph or the edges of the viewfinder or phone screen when you are shooting. The advice to fill the frame means to get in close, to make your subject a significant portion of the final photograph.
It means that you’re removing any distractions. When we look at your photo you'll see the subject matter and that’s it. They won’t be distracted by anything other than what you’ve taken a photo of.
"Photographers tend to leave too much ‘stuff’ around their subject. The viewer gets lost in the chaos and doesn’t know where to look. Less is often more."
Filling the frame encourages you to really spend some time thinking about your subject and how best to feature that subject in your composition. How can you bring forward the details or the patterns or the most critical element(s) of your subject? How does the background add to or take away from the story that you are trying to tell?
The bottom line? When in doubt, get closer.

