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Tool or Tools

Tools G Ott.jpg
Tools O Hepner.jpg
Tools C Ivey.jpg
2nd Rotation Homework Theme - Tool(s)

Think of all the tools you utilize through the course of a single day.  From the time you get up in the morning to the late night evening, how many tools do you use to do your everyday activities?

Remember to think creativity about your subject matter but also its environment - stay away from distracting backgrounds.  Remember how important lighting is. Think of your lighting and control it.  Whether it's with the camera or in illustration form, remember to give everything thought & purpose. 

No matter if you are looking for the perfect reference for your sketchbook or for that perfect shot with the camera, keep the following in mind:


    ◦ What background might you need?

    ◦ Think beyond the obvious & and be creative

    ◦ Always be thoughtful of your composition

    ◦ Is there a more unique view or lighting style?

Remember, photos and sketches may not be manipulated on the computer!

     • capture creativity in what you see

Tools A Snell.jpg
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