2 Color Poster Project
Project Sheet PDF
#503 Demonstrate basic use of page layout software - InDesign
Utilizing Cornell Notes with class lecture & demonstration of Adobe InDesign, the student will first create 2 abstract designs showing their use of each tool reviewed. Next the student will reproduce the fundraiser poster provided to them with concern for accuracy in both typography & measurement. Lastly the student will creatively design their own SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job to include all of the content provided, all to the criteria detailed in the PDF.
Key Points & MAX Strategy:
Utilizing "Cornell Notes" as a comprehension strategy, we will use Class Lecture, demo, & hands on activities for SkillsUSA poster as a Live Job
Selection Tool
Direct Select Tool
Type Tool & Text on a Path
Line Tool
Pencil Tool
Pen Tool
Rectangle, Elipse Frame & Polygon Frame Tool
Rectangle, Elipse & Polygon Shape Tool
Color Palette
Character Palette
Stroke Palette

Design, Photography and Illustration at

Our two-year half-day program covers everything from conceptual drawing and design to a professional portfolio; you learn the value and applicaiton of their unique styles in both design and illustration.
Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master ~ Leonardo da Vinci